Change Your Level Change Your Life Change the World

“Weak minds are gullible. The weaker the thought processes, the more ridiculous the notions they will believe. Strong minds, like mine, can turn that to an advantage.


Level to Power Resources

Downloads, Diagrams, and Images

LTP Mapping of the Mind

The Mind interfaces with Reality and passes through the filters of both the Self and the Herd.  The Mind settles into a Level of Paradigm and the mind is bound by its given Level.

LTP Quadrant Diagram 1

Every Human Mind at any given moment falls somewhere in the Quadrants.   Personal Power is found at the Upper Right.

APEX LTP Logical Fallacy Poster

Learn the language of Power.   A Poster-Size listing of the most commonly used fallacies

Logical Fallacy Mapping Poster

A visual breakdown of Logical Fallacies mapped out to make the categories easy to understand

A Battle Between a Level 1 Mind & Level 2 Mind

Window to the World

A Level 2 has a much better view of where to attack a Level 1

Key To Knowledge

The Level 1 has a narrow base and a limited means to knowledge.  A Level 2 has a broader base and a more stable means to knowledge.

Target Selection

Flaws in this castle structure can be targeted for collapse.  Attack from conflicting ideas can collapse the structure admidst the right kind of pressure.

Foundation & Walls

The sense of SELF, VALUES, ETHICS, POLITICS, ECONOMICS, etc protect the mind from attacking ideas.

Minds as Castles

Minds trade logic and rhetoric trying to weaken the oppposing structure.

Level 1 Mind vs Level 1 Mind

Each Mind Castle has a base by which it accesses reality.  A wider base gives the Mind Castle a more stable access to reality

Level 2 Mind vs Level 1 Mind

The broader foundation, higher walls, and higher perspective give huge advantages to the Level 2.

Level 3 Mind vs Level 1 Mind

The Level 3 Mind completely dominates the Level 1 and can pinpoint weakness precisely.

Battling a Mind Which is Controlled by a 3rd Party

Sometimes when engaging another mind, it seems strangely immune to influence.  In some cases these minds have outsourced their thinking to a 3rd party such as a Leader, Spouse, Church, Manipulator, etc.   In these cases the link between the person’s source of truth must be severed so they are forced to rely on thier own source of truth and judgement.

Level 2 vs. Level 1

Level 2 has an advantage because they have superior perspective

A Level 2 knows when and how to strike for effect.